Re: [orca-list] Orca: how to change voice dynamically

I must admit I am not an expert on orca's code but here is what I guess might need to be done.

* You will need to detect the language of the text some how. This might be easier in certain applications as they may know this information but could be difficult in others (eg. a plain text editor such as gedit won't have language information).
* You will need some way for selecting the voice for each language (eg. I may have multiple english and german voices, how might it know which to use for german). This probably means adding settings to the orca settings window.

I imagine this might need changes through quite a bit of orca.

Michael Whapples
On 01/-10/-28163 08:59 PM, anila susan wrote:

I'm  working on a text to speech synthesis using festival, for Indian languages.
We are using Orca as the screen reader.
I'm not familar with orca source code.
Im facing an issue and hope someone might be able to help me out.

We want orca to change the voice selected dynamically depending on the text that is available. Say, if we have opened an English text it should read it out in English using the voice kal_diphone, if the text is in some Indian languages, it should select the corresponding voice and read out.
For this, which files of orca should I be modifying ?
Can anybody give me an idea how to proceed with this.

Thanks a lot,

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