[orca-list] Where in the world did speechd.conf go?

OK, I just installed Vinux 3.1 which is based on the new Ubuntu 10.10. I ab, suh, lootly? love! what I so far am seeing. I tried installing Voxin, which worked like a charm, but now, I'm trying to edit the speechd.conf file, to uncomment the line to add the imbtts module, and also I changed the default from espeak, to ibmtts.

It's not working though.  I noticed, however, something really weird.

I don't have a ~/.speech-dispatcher/conf directory anymore. I saw somewhere on google, that it now was /configure, not /conf, but even that isn't working. there are only like, maybe 2 directories in there when I do

ls -1

I don't recall what they are, but it's nothing like it used to be.

I'm wonderring if Voxin just won't work, bottom line. I know it worked fine in Vinux 3.0. there were a ton! of dependencies that it installed when I did install Voxin. I don't remember ever having to download and get all of those things in the past.

I think this'll work, being I definitely! got it installed, I just need to know where the user's directory copy is of speechd.conf, so I can also modify it, as usual.

I'm really really perplexed. Have they really changed speech-dispatcher that much from 10.04, to 10.10?

Here's hoping! I just don't know what the hell I'm doing. Can I have one of you give me a step by step guide to install the SVox voices and get them working with Orca?

I dono... I like ESpeak, to a point, but it's kind a hard for me with my hearing loss to understand.

Thanks much.


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