Re: [orca-list] voxin finally works!

hey thanks I'll have to try that one out. I think it is so so very cool that we have a free open source graphical desktop that we can use! It is wonderful that we are not restricted to windows and jaws anymore like most people were in the 90s. Now I can just buy a dell netbook or almost any netbook, put vinux on the netbook or laptop and off I go! 
Oh and did I mention I plugged in my kingston data traveler flash drive, vinux recognised it and it just worked! the actual device name was /dev/sdb . if you're interested in that stuff which I surely am. Vinux 3.0 Ubuntu 10.4 lucid is excellent! that's all I can say is wow I love it just like I love the mac OS. It just works. And I can copy and paste commands into the terminal and things and I even have speakup and yasr in case orca goes down for some weird reason. The terminal is great, GUI is great and console is great too. Its realy simple to use I think. You just have to acclimate yourself to it just like you get used to windows and get used to the mac you just use linux and then you just get used to it and how it works. 
I wish there were commercials for mac and ubuntu all over the tv rather than windows being the dominant system. Maybe someday it'll happen and I really hope that it happens within the next decade or so. 

Josh Kennedy
jkenn337 gmail com

On Aug 5, 2010, at 8:06 PM, Charlie Warner wrote:

"why is the at sign the shift apostrophe and the quotes key the shift with number2? seems weird to me. now I gotta find where the tilde 
is located at and I'll be fine...."
Josh- the issue with the key locations is that you do not have your keyboard mapped properly.  There are several options offered in all operating systems, and it can take some time to figure out which is the right one.  I am not familiar with the MacBook keyboard, but I have struggled with this one in Windows all too often (trying to get Spanish keyboards working with English software!).
In Ubuntu, in the "Systems" Menu in your main menu bar at the top of the screen, there is a drop-down list under "Preferences" that includes a "Keyboard" entry.  You can select this, and get a pop-up window with several tabs, one of which is "Layout".  At the top of the window is a button for keyboard model, and this does offer Apple keyboard options.  If your exact keyboard layout is not one of the options, you can add other optional layouts.  At the bottom of the window is a space where you can test if your maps are correct.  Hope this helps.


> From: jkenn337 gmail com
> Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2010 19:40:56 -0400
> To: contact oralux org
> CC: vinux-development googlegroups com; orca-list gnome org
> Subject: [orca-list] voxin finally works!
> hello everyone!
> Voxin finally works! And I'm very proud to say that I am getting the hang of installing software on Debian Ubuntu Linux or Vinux! It is very easy to do! 
> two questions. 
> 1. when voxin talks it often says:
> shut down dot dot dot
> and when reloading orca preferences it says:
> orca preferences reloaded dot viavoice using alsa dot and when it says this it seems to double itself and have some reverb to it. Why? Oh and I didn't feel like typing those long file names so I renamed some files before un-tarr-ing them. I really love Linux! or I am beginning to love it! Since I could not get it working with speech-dispatcher I downloaded a 4mb file from the emacspeak site some emacspeak server voxin installer thing using firefox. it went into my downloads folder. I right clicked it, renamed it to a more manageable name, and then untarred and ran the script and off it went fetching the needed packages from the ubuntu archives online installed. I then heard viavoice speak for the first time, yay! 
> Oh another question. I'm running a macbook pro windows7 installed in bootcamp and vmware player installed inside windows7. why is the at sign the shift apostrophe and the quotes key the shift with number2? seems weird to me. now I gotta find where the tilde is located at and I'll be fine. So now that I have one voxin language installed if I want another I just buy and install it and orca will see it? 
> Josh Kennedy
> jkenn337 gmail com
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