[orca-list] voxin finally works!

hello everyone!
Voxin finally works! And I'm very proud to say that I am getting the hang of installing software on Debian 
Ubuntu Linux or Vinux! It is very easy to do! 
two questions. 
1. when voxin talks it often says:
shut down dot dot dot
and when reloading orca preferences it says:
orca preferences reloaded dot viavoice using alsa dot and when it says this it seems to double itself and 
have some reverb to it. Why? Oh and I didn't feel like typing those long file names so I renamed some files 
before un-tarr-ing them. I really love Linux! or I am beginning to love it! Since I could not get it working 
with speech-dispatcher I downloaded a 4mb file from the emacspeak site some emacspeak server voxin installer 
thing using firefox. it went into my downloads folder. I right clicked it, renamed it to a more manageable 
name, and then untarred and ran the installer.sh script and off it went fetching the needed packages from the 
ubuntu archives online installed. I then heard viavoice speak for the first time, yay! 
Oh another question. I'm running a macbook pro windows7 installed in bootcamp and vmware player installed 
inside windows7. why is the at sign the shift apostrophe and the quotes key the shift with number2? seems 
weird to me. now I gotta find where the tilde is located at and I'll be fine. So now that I have one voxin 
language installed if I want another I just buy and install it and orca will see it? 

Josh Kennedy
jkenn337 gmail com

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