[orca-list] Speech Dispatcher and OpenTTS Merging

In case some people haven't heard, the OpenTTS developers have aggreed
to fold the Open TTS fork and roll their improvements into Speech
Dispatcher and move forward with improved support from Brailcom.

What I want to know, is how many of you are actually using Open TTS
still with Orca.  I would like to go back to the original bug I used
to create the separate module for OpenTTS and discontinue that
module.  Effectively, this will drop support for OpenTTS in Orca and
further Orca improvements for Speech Dispatcher would be confined to
the single speechdispatcherfactory.py module.  Does anyone have any
issues with this move? if it shouldn't happen immediately, I could
leave it there for a week or two and then submit the patch or I could
go ahead and sub the patch and just have the bug's push to master
delayed a bit.  What say you all? I have already gone back to speech
dispatcher at this point; in fact, I'm using speech-spatcher-0.7 and
git builds of the same.

See bug below:

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