Hello all,
I was trying to
obtain the Unicode value for a character tonight, and my results are somewhat
I tried to use
Triple KP2 from the laptop layout, but it doesn't tell me the value. The weird
thing is that on the desktop layout, Triple KP2 works like a charm, telling me
the hexadecimal value for a Unicode character. I went into the keybindings page
of the Orca preferences. I could change keybindings, but I could not add any. My
only fix is to switch to the desktop layout and access those keybindings via the
function key on my netbook.
My other interesting result is that my older
Pacmate 40 braille display doesn't like Unicode characters by default. It
reverts back to question marks. What do you all recommend on that
Being that this is not a true "bug", I don't want
to report a bug against Orca on Launch Pad; however, I would like to know how to
do this on the laptop layout of Orca. Neither I nor Chris Gilland, my best
friend and Linux guide know how to use Python. Should we contact the Orca
programmers? What should be our battle plan?