Re: [orca-list] New eSpeak version soon, please send corrections

On Wed, 2009-11-18 at 10:32 +0000, Jonathan Duddington wrote:
On 18 Nov, Krishnakant <hackingkk gmail com> wrote:

Hindi with orca sounds absolutely perfect.

I do not believe that :-)

I think eSpeak makes many mistakes about:
1.  Which syllable of a word should have the main stress.
2.  When the "inherent vowel" "a" should be silent, and when it should
be spoken.
3.  Nasal vowels.
point number 2 is valid but espeak does pritty well with the rest.
I think the problem with espeak is that it talks hindi in a british
axent which is obvious and perhaps unchangable.

But perhaps the eSpeak Hindi voice is good enough to be useful?

Yes it is very usable and I think we can't categorise it as unusable.

I just want a few female voices for hindi

eSpeak is not good a female voices.
You can the a female "voice variant" with any language.  If you are
using the eSpeak command-line then you can use something like:

espeak -v hi+f2 -f text.txt

where -v hi+f2  means "Hindi voice plus the 'f2' voice variant".  I
don't know if you can specify voice variants through Orca, perhaps not.

Yes, I was just about to raise that question which is very much to do
with orca.
I see in nvda at my friends desktop that there are lot of very good
variants.  I liked in particular the serious man varient.  I wish orca
can do that else do let me know how I can get this set in a
configuration file.

Happy hacking.

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