Re: [orca-list] at-spi compilation issue

Hi Cody:

In addition to the problems I have been facing with orca crashing it doesn't seem to be an issue with either gnome-speech or speech dispatcher because both seem to crash or at least speech become unresponsive. As i've said flite and espeak alike react the same way.

I decided to update and upgrade apt, and then get git and download atk, which compiled fine, and then at-spi which I've run into an issue with.

I'm not sure what OS distribution you are using or which version of GNOME you are using. If it's recent (e.g., 2.28), then updating the accessibility infrastructure is likely not going to help. Instead, we probably need to see some Orca debug output to try to get an idea of what is going on.

I suspect audio integration issues. Take a look at and see if there's anything in there that might help.

Once I switch to the directory with the source from git, I run ./ --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib/at-spi, but configure gives me an error saying that package dbus-glib-1 is not installed, but I can't seem to find the appropriate package from apt to satisfy the needs of at-spi.

The accessibility infrastructure is being moved to D-Bus from CORBA. I'm not sure which source from git you've pulled -- please let me know the exact git command you used.


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