[orca-list] orca constant crashing?

Hello everyone! It has been a while since I've posted, I had unsubscribed to reduce my mail load and am now back because I've finally got a working linux machine.

I have just installed a version of linux, a branch of ubuntu 9.04 called min linux. By default, it did not come with orca so I installed it from apt-get. I'm running 2.26.a. However, even with speech- dispatcher orca still crashes at random points and for the most part some times after launching orca from the run dialogue, all I get is: Welcome to orca. and any further key presses yeild no speech and force me to launch orca again.

I wrote a script and bound a key combination to it to stop and relaunch speech dispatcher as well as orca, but this doesn't seem to help. I also added speech dispatcher to the startup list of services in gnome. A reboot does not help. So I perhaps thought it was an espeak issue, so I installed flite. flite installed flawlessly but still, orca looses speech or crashes one and I can't figure out why. It's not like this is an unstable version, and I don't know if 2.28 would fix this. Does any of this sound familiar?

Also, I'm kind of upset now that TTSynth will not work, and to find that one day I could access ttsynth.com and the next day to find that it has been taken offline is upsetting, considering I bought the silly thing and now it won't work. Any suggestions on this? I know it's not an orca issue but just some of my latest encounters when trying to use it is all.

Thanks, and hope to get back into the grove of orca once again.


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