Re: [orca-list] A support of flash application

Flash accessibility is not comprehensive. It currently interacts
directly with MSAA and MSAA only, which is an API available on Windows.
Adobe seems to have no desire to correct this, I and several others have
written to them and received some openly hostile replies about this.
Considering most of the accessibility was actually done back when
Macromedia owned Flash, I wouldn't put your hopes in Adobe being willing
to enhance their accessibility support.
I think our best chance is to make some of the open source Flash
alternatives, such as Gnash and Swfdec, interact with the accessibility
frameworks such as at-spi or communicate withe the Dom in Firefox. Since
the code for these is open, someone more knowledgable than myself about
Firefox could probably do this. The downside, however, is that they are
not up to par in compatibility with some Flash applications as of yet,
and might never be due to Adobe holding back parts of the specification.
Still, in light of a sudden turn-around in the attitude of Adobe, I
think it's the best chance we've got for Flash accessibility on
non-Windows platforms. Bare in mind that this is far from a GNOME-only
problem, Adobe has no desire to make Flash on the Macintosh accessible
either, at least from the replies I've been sent. This goes way beyond
the scope of one platform.
On Mon, 2009-05-25 at 16:46 +0200, Jan Buchal wrote:

from flashplugin 10. from Adobe is very good accessibility support. Is
there any chance that orca will support the flash applications like

Thanks for any answer.

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