Hi Will Thanks, this is really cool. I remember using this OCR engine a while back, and it was pretty good, at least on par with Tesseract if not a bit better. I'd forgotten that it had been open sourced, nice to see a Linux port happening.
On Mar 30, 2009, at 11:25, Willie Walker wrote: FYI...
Date: March 30, 2009 10:57:09 EDT
Subject: new OCR project for Linux!
I found this link just now: http://freshmeat.net/projects/cuneiformlinux Here's the blurb: "Cuneiform is a commercial grade optical character recognition (OCR) system. It was originally developed and open sourced by Cognitive technologies, and was originally Windows-only. This project aims to port Cuneiform to run natively on Linux."
-- Chris
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