Re: [orca-list] Re_Orca and Fedor 10

Hi, Michael:

Someone on this list did successfully install from the Live CD.
Unfortunately, that wasn't me, though I do need to go try this sometime.

I'm not certain, but I believe you might try using espeak rather than
festival. Go to a gnome terminal, become root with 'su -' (there's no
password, and try:

yum install gnome-speech-espeak

You should then be able to open Orca preferences and change speech

Even though it's late in the Fedora cycle, we should soon have
SpeakupModified Fedora installation images available. Not quite the same
because you can't use software speech on the target machine, but you can
use telnet from some machine to the target.



Michael Ryan writes:
Hi Janina:

Tnx for the tid bits, got the live CD up and running but when I arrow  
down to the install icon, I don't hear any speech. I can see something  
happening though because have enough vision to see the changes, no the  
info or buttons. LOL
Maybe there is a work around for the speech enabled install?
Thanks again:
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Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.202.595.7777;
                sip:janina CapitalAccessibility Com
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC      http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada
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Chair, Open Accessibility       janina a11y org 
Linux Foundation      

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