Hi Luke Open Yast for a good example of this, although any administration program will do--as Yast is the primary admin tool on OpenSUSE however it's a good start. I haven't looked into OpenSUSE in great detail though I do have it installed here, but their sudo acts very different from most. You'll notice that it asks you for the root password, not your password, and does so even from the terminal and not only from the GUI. Perhaps they're not using standard sudo, or have set it up vastly different from the way I've seen sudo being configured. There was also a post on the gnome-accessibility-list a while back from someone at Novell who claimed they had patched Orbit so the .orbitrc hack was no longer necessary. Perhaps they integrated this patch into OpenSUSE? See this message: The message seems to indicate that this patch was put into svn at that time, but I'm not sure if that happened. The behavior of orbit in other distros seems to indicate that it did not. On Mar 9, 2009, at 22:02, Luke Yelavich wrote:
The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair. --Douglas Adams |