Re: [orca-list] installing orca

"orca --text-setup" gives you the text-based setup. It has not been removed by the Orca developers. Someone downstream might have done so, but I highly doubt it. There were some changes made somewhere (gconf, gnome-settings-daemon, ...) that might make it more difficult to run this from a non-graphical environment, but I'm not sure. Have you tried running it? If it didn't work, did you get any errors?


Kristoffer Gustafsson wrote:
Ok, sorry, I didn't mean installing, I ment configuring.
I heard that the text setup has been removed.
So, how do you configure braille and speech?
Without sighted help?
Is it possible in debian lenny?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Willie Walker" <William Walker Sun COM>
To: "Kristoffer Gustafsson" <kg84 dreamwld com>
Cc: "orca" <Orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 8:53 PM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] installing orca

Some operating systems provide the ability to do an install without sighted assistance, and they do so using Orca. These operating systems include OpenSolaris, Ubuntu, and Vinux.

Operating systems, especially open source ones such as the above, release periodic interim development builds. These are unstable builds that sometimes break accessibility. Ubuntu's recent string of bad luck in this space might be what you're referring to, and I believe the Ubuntu folks are working on the problem.


Kristoffer Gustafsson wrote:

I herad that it is no longer possible to install orca without sighted help, is this true?


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