Re: [orca-list] orca and NautilusSvn crashes

Hi Jose:

The Orca debugging facility can give a lot of insight into what Orca's view of the world is. Please go to to learn how to generate a debug.out file and feel free to send it to me when you've created it.

In many cases, what we tend to run into are ill-behaved applications performing operations outside the GTK+ main loop. This can have very serious side effects on threading in the app and can cause things to hang.


Jose Vilmar Estacio de Souza wrote:
Hi all,

NautilusSvn is a Python extension for Nautilus which integrates a load of Subversion functionality into the GNOME Nautilus file manager, basically as a clone of the TortoiseSVN project on Windows.

I am trying to test this extension together with orca but some functions crash orca completely. I'd like to identify if the crashes are related to orca or NautilusSvn, and report the problems to developpers.
Any ideas or tips about how to identify the cause of the crashes?

The site of the project is and I am testing version v0.12.


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