Re: [orca-list] Orca starts but exits without doing anything in one account


I was with the same problem, the Orca threw the error:
TIMEOUT: something has hung. Aborting.

I found the thread in orca-list:

And I follow the Walker's instructions:

It might possible that some other application has automatically started and has caused a blockage in the AT-SPI. emacs causes this kind of thing to happen, for example. Do you know if any other application might be running on the desktop? You might be able to check this by doing an "xlsclients".

I remember that I had installed alarm-clock application (Alarm clock for Gnome).
Executing xlsclients I verified the applications were running, and kill the alarm-clock process and reinitialize the orca, it was running ok again.
So, I removed the alarm-clock and the orca now is running ok!

Verify the applications that are running is a good ideia for solve the problem.

Best regards,


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