Re: [orca-list] Pidgin issue with new conversations

No, that's not what is happening. This issue only happens if there is no conversation already open--if there is, then yes it goes into a new tab as I'd expect it to do. However, this is different, if there is no conversation open and pidgin opens one I cannot bring focus to the window. At all. I couldn't ctrl-tab into it no matter how much I try, because the window will not come to the foreground in order for me to try that.

On Jan 22, 2009, at 07:23, jon orcauser wrote:


I think the reason for this is that the new conversation is opening up
in a new tab in the current window, rather than a totally new window.
Use control tab to switch between tabs within the same window.

Hope this helps.


On 1/20/09, Jacob Schmude <j schmude gmail com> wrote:
Hi Everyone
I've just started experiencing a very odd, and very problematic, issue with Pidgin. I'm not sure what caused it, and I don't see any preference
that looks like it would control this behavior.
When I open a new conversation to someone--i.e. I initiate the
message--it works fine. However, when someone contacts me and this
results in a new conversation window being created, I cannot focus the window at all. It's in the alt-tab list and is announced, but attempting
to bring focus to it simply keeps me in the current window or, on
occasion, will drop me into Pidgin's buddy list window. If I then
attempt to open an IM to the person to send the message, I get the same
result. As long as that window remains open, I cannot bring it into
focus at all. The only way it seems I can close this window is to close
down Pidgin and re-open it.
I'm not sure if this is a problem specifically dealing with Orca and
pidgin, or if it's Pidgin acting up. Given the results so far I would
say it's the lattter. But I'm posting here in case anyone else has seen
this. Does anyone know what might be going on here?
Important versions: Ubuntu 8.10 (all updates applied), Pidgin 2.5.2,
latest orca trunk

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