Re: [orca-list] VI or Vim also how accessible is Lynx with Orca?

Hash: RIPEMD160

As far as vi vs vim is concerned, I always liked vim because it has
that nice visual mode among other things but for editting, I always
seem to gravitate back to emacs.

Since you have the GUI already running, I say the same thing David
says below, why bother with a text browser, Firefox is verry good with
Orca these days and frankly, a console screen reader like Speakup or
Yasr would do a much better job than the terminal.  I think The
terminal could use some big improvements with Orca before I relied on
it like I do with Speakup.  My complaint with the Terminal and Orca is
while using an editor, the screen has to be refreshed quite often; I
see this with mutt and less when scrolling over pages of text.  I
generally find it much tighter to use Speakup with text editors in the

On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 04:31:46PM -0800, David Csercsics wrote:
Vi itself is commercial Software and not available for Linux. However,
there are a lot of Vi clones like nvi, Elvis or Vim, just to name a
few.Vim is a goot choice.

This is no longer true as of 2002. See this link
2. Is the text based browser Lynx usable with Orca?

Lynx is usable with Orca more or less, but you will get a much better
user experience with a screenreader for the text console.If you want to
use lynx with Orca, I recommend starting lynx with the -show_cursor
switch, so lynx won't use an attribut cursor but the system cursor instead.

Have a look at elinks as well. It's a text browser similar to lynx but
it is updated more often and has rudimentary javascript support as well
as tabbed browsing. But really if you're going to use a text browser
they work better with a console screenreader and so much of the web is
all scripty these days that you may as well use firefox especially since
you have the GUI up already. Elinks is included with most distros but if you need the page to get the code 
it is at:
BTW, I use vim rather than vi but vi is everywhere so it is good to know
its limitaitions as well. The busybox version of vi is on my router for
example. But really there are a lot of vi clones and there are a lot
of emacs variants as well. It's all very much personal preference. Play
with stuff and see what you like. I use vim myself.
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