Re: [orca-list] Orca Hangups

Hi David,
As a suggestion, try to update to orca's last version from svn.
Many problems regarding stops in orca were solved.

I can tell the steps that I took to upgrade, if you need some help.

On 11-02-2009 00:05, Dave Hunt wrote:
Hi List!

I've been running Ubuntu (intrepid) on this Dell laptop for some time and enjoying the experience, over all. I've noticed, however, that Orca will just stop speaking at various times. One such example is the "save as" dialogue in the text editor. Whenever this dialogue is displayed, Orca will just stop speaking for several minutes. Sometimes, playing with the mouse pad will restore speach, or is this just a coincidence? Also, especially when on battery, Orca will stop speaking when I interrupt the reading of a long passage on a web site. That is, I hit 'ctrl' to stop speech, and orca just sits there for over a minute, not talking. Again, playing with the mouse pad can apparently restore speech. I suggest trying to read any of the articles on, for instance. Choose any item, go past the text sizing links manually, then do a "say all" from that point. Maybe you'll reproduce this behavior?

Per suggestion by Willy Walker on this list, I include the results of "uname -a", "gnome-about --version", and "orca --version".

Thanks for any help,

Dave Hunt

Twitter wx1gdave

Script started on Tue 10 Feb 2009 05:07:55 PM EST
]0;dave dave-laptop: ~dave dave-laptop:~$ date
Tue Feb 10 17:08:10 EST 2009
]0;dave dave-laptop: ~dave dave-laptop:~$ uname -a
Linux dave-laptop 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:24:39 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
]0;dave dave-laptop: ~dave dave-laptop:~$ gnome-about --version
GNOME gnome-about 2.24.1
]0;dave dave-laptop: ~dave dave-laptop:~$ orca --version
Orca 2.24.1
]0;dave dave-laptop: ~dave dave-laptop:~$ exit

Script done on Tue 10 Feb 2009 05:09:21 PM EST
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