Re: [orca-list] found out the issue I am having with speech-dispatcher but I need some help with how to implement this please

"SB" == Scott Berry <sberry northlc com> writes:

    SB> hello there, I found out the problem with speech-dispatcher. The
    SB> problem is that I am unable to find the festival host on port
    SB> 1314. here's how I came to this conclusion:

    SB> I went in to the root accounnt which I jdisable sudo because I
    SB> don't like it. I sued to my account as root andtyped:

    SB> telnet localhost:1314 and it said:

    SB> "Connection refused"

    SB> I am reading the speech-dispatcher docs and it says the
    SB> following but I am unsure how to implement this. The
    SB> instructions are not too clear for me:

    SB> There is a know problem in some versions of Festival. Please
    SB> make sure that Festival server_access_list configuration
    SB> variable and your /etc/hosts.conf are set properly.
    SB> server_access_list must contain the symbolic name of your
    SB> machine and this name must be defined in /etc/hosts.conf and
    SB> point to your IP address. You can test if this is set correctly
    SB> by trying to connect to the port Festival server is running on
    SB> via an ordinary telnet (by default like this: telnet localhost
    SB> 1314). If you are not rejected, it works.

    SB> Can some one help me out to understand how to set the
    SB> environment variable? What would the symbolic name of my
    SB> computer be. Does this mean for istance "Jade" . Since that's
    SB> the name of my computer? I am totally at a loss here. Sorry if i
    SB> am a bit dumb here.
Are you sure that festival runs? Try ps ax | grep festival. If not then
you check /etc/default/festival and line: RUN_FESTIVAL=yes
if there no change it to yes.

Best regards


Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
Mob: (00420) 608023021

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