Re: [orca-list] speech-dispatcher

Many thanks, it's working. I'm realy a new user, so, sorry to disturb you. It's working now, but only with espeak. I modifyed the speechd.conf, but I cannot make viavoice work with it. Many thanks for all.

Victor Oliveira

Lutz Kaiser escreveu:

spd-conf is an script include in python-speechd to setup
speech-dispatcher properly an easy.

another thing to test speech-dispatcher is:
spd-say "any text, to know, Speech-dispatcher is loud talking"
so if you have installed python-speechd:
-press "f2" type "gnome-terminal"
if you want speech-dispatcher starting from boot, then type:
sudo spd-conf

If you want to set it up per user, then just:

follow the steps, and it will be talking.


Am Sonntag, den 19.10.2008, 20:06 +0100 schrieb VÃtor Oliveira:
Hi: I installed the first one ok. But what is or where is spd-conf? I
cannot find it with search tool in any place.

Victor Oliveira

Lutz Kaiser escreveu: 

install python-speechd 
then spd-conf and you can setup speech-dispatcher easy.

Am Sonntag, den 19.10.2008, 17:27 +0100 schrieb VÃtor Oliveira:
Hi: Please, how can I start speech-dispatcher? If I try, I get a message 
telling speech-dispatcher cannot start because it doesn't have 
run_speechd=yes. I checked for a conf file but I didn't found it. 
Please, may some one explain it? Many thanks.

Victor Oliveira

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