Re: [orca-list] can I install orca 2.23.92 or later on hardy?

I have finally installed orca 23.92.  I don't see any great
performance enhancements, but seams that navigation is pritty smooth
happy hacking.

On 09/10/2008, Erik Heil <eheil sdf lonestar org> wrote:
Hi their.  First of all, if you were to upgrade to 8.10, whichI'd assume
that you'd do eventually, their is no gail module.  It is now integrated
into At-Spi..  Also note that if you were to install Gnome 2.24.0, it is
designed to work with the Orca version that is for that release.  Their
are, however, some issues, but i'd assume that you kknow about them since
you follow this list on a regular basis.


On Thu, 9 Oct 2008, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2008 14:05:58 +0530
From: Krishnakant Mane <hackingkk gmail com>
To: orca-list gnome org
Subject: [orca-list] can I install orca 2.23.92 or later on hardy?

hello all,
I am planning to try out orca 2.23.92 or 2.24 on my hardy machine.
I don't want to switch to 8.10 so soon.

I am trying to install atk, gail and at-spi.
I also checked out intltool from the latest source and installed it.
But I can't get the latest svn trunk of at-spi to compile on my ubuntu
8.04.1 machine which is running 64 bit processor.
Infact I got atk, and gail to compile properly.
then at-spi gave the "can't shift that much " message when I did
./ --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib/at-spi as mentioned
on the orca home page.
Can any one suggest what I can do regarding this issue?
should I still go ahead with instaling the 23.92 version of orca?
will it it be complete?
happy hacking.
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