Re: [orca-list] Orca on Hardy - orca crashes when prefs dialog opened

Hi Rich:

The debug log doesn't have enough information in it for me to
debug/diagnose the problem.  :-(  One thing I can say is that you are
mixing versions of software in a way that we really don't support --
Orca is really only meant to be run with the version of GNOME it was
targetted for.  So, Orca v2.25.x is meant for GNOME 2.25.x.  I believe
Hardy is at GNOME 2.22.x, so there is a bit of distance between it and
GNOME v2.25.x.

Since you're using vmWare, it seems like you should be able to try an
installation of Ubuntu Intrepid (if they've fixed their accessible live
CD/install issues) and/or maybe OpenSolaris, both of which should have
GNOME 2.24.x.

I'm also not really conversant with vmWare on the Mac (or anywhere), so
I afraid I'm basically just useless to you at the moment.  :-(


On Wed, 2008-11-12 at 14:32 -0500, Rich Caloggero wrote:
I'm running hardy with latest orca (2.25.2 pre)
atk: svn version 1298
gail: svn version 1351
at-spi: spn version 1123
orca: svn version 4330

I'm experiencing a crash (or at least speech goes away) when I try and start 
the orca preferences dialog, either from the orca main window or any other 
app (with orcaKey+control+spaceBar).

I'm also experencing a problem getting to the top panel; I just simply 
cannot get there. I'm using vmWare Fusion on a mac, and the key mapping is a 
bit strange. The option key is mapped to alt in the virtual machine, but the 
control+option keys in the mac universe say ignore next keypress to the mac 
screen reader, so I press the combination twice to send a control+alt+tab to 
linux. Orca sometimes goes to the desktop frame or to the bottom panel, but 
never to the top panel.  When it goes to the bottom panel, it keeps 
repeating information about what object its focused on until I press alt+tab 
to get back to either the orca main window or any other window I might have 

The debug log that is attached only contains debugging info for the 
preferences crash.

-- Rich

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