Re: [orca-list] Firefox, back and cursor position

Hi Nolan.

Were I using Firefox without Orca, if I used alt-left to go to the 
previous page, would my cursor position on the previous page be 
maintained? (I.e. would I appear on the link I clicked to go forward?)

It depends on where you were and the page. I just tried the latest Orca
with Firefox doing a Google search. I followed the link for one of the
results, browsed the page, and then used Alt+Left to go back. I was
placed on the link I had followed. That support was added to Orca back
in June. It relies upon Firefox issuing a focus event for the link in
question. Normally it does and therefore normally we do the right thing.
Note, however, it is possible for a content creator to move or remove
focus from an object such as a link. Firefox respects that. In those
cases all users start from the top again.

I've also noticed that Orca loses position if I change between windows. 
So if the screensaver appears and stops speech, my position in a long 
webpage is lost. 

I'm not seeing this with Alt+Tabbing, but I'll test some more and see if
I can reproduce it.

Hope this helps.  Take care.

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