[orca-list] Firefox - reporting wrong version?

I've downloaded from ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/nightly/latest-trunk
a file which has 3.1b2pre as part of its filename. I assumed this would give 
me version 3.1 of firefox. When I bunzip and untar  and run, I get version 

This seems to be the same verison which comes with Hardy, since running it 
from the top menu and running it from the version I just created gives me 
the same info from the help/about dialog.

When I run the newly downloaded version, I'm using the shell script supplied 
with the package.  If I try and run the firefox-bin binary directly, I get a 
bunch of shared library not found errors.

Is there something misconfigured somewhere?  Is the shell script running my 
default Ubuntu version somehow?

Any ideas?

-- Rich

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