Re: [orca-list] Admin Features for Slackware Users

As already suggested to you, try using sudo from a terminal window. I am
using slackware 12.0 and just tried a couple of things. Starting it from
the menu the first time, gksudo appeared prompting me for my password,
when I entered it and pressed enter, nothing it went silent, may be
something was taking its time but I decided to give up. Trying sudo from
the gnome-terminal I was prompted for my password in the gnome-terminal
and then the application appeared and was accessible. Next I tried
starting something from the menu again, and it did not prompt me for my
password (one assumes it must have cached the password) and the
application appear accessible. May be its something to do with that
gksudo window.

Just doing some more, I tried launching the application again from the
menu (its been long enough I need to enter my password again, and it
doesn't speak after the password dialog, and when I close it and
relaunch it immediately from the menu, it still seems inaccessible. I am
concluding that from the menu is not so reliable as from a
gnome-terminal and sudo.

The application I have been trying with is gslapt if this is of

Hope this helps.

Michael Whapples
On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 22:01 -0700, Steve Holmes wrote:
Hash: RIPEMD160

I thought I would try and apply some of the methods outlined in the
wiki page for system administrative functions and the notes recently
placed on this list.  Namely the .orbit file in /root home directory
and the update to /etc/sudoers file.  But alas, it doesn't work for
me.  I get a password prompt when I go into any of the functions off
the admin menu but upon entering the root password, all goes silent.
As soon as I exit that function, then I get Orca back.  Once I tried
to start Orca from within that function and Orca started but then when
I alt tabbed back and forth, I would hear that admin function was
"Inaccessible". Orca actually spoke "Inaccessible." But if I try and
alt tab to that task anyway, it just goes silent. I can alt tab away
from that silent task and then I have speech again.  I also tried for
the heck of it to run "sudo orca" from an alt-F2 run box but that went
silent and I had to restart X to get out of that one.  I also cannot
run startx from a root session either.  I don't know enough about
gnome to understand why it works from a normal user but not from
root.  Seems strange to me.

Anyway, are there any Slackware users out there being able to use any
of the admin functions from Orca?  It would appear that the
instructions and hipe about accessing admin stuff only works for
Ubuntu for some dumb reason.

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HolmesGrown Solutions
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