Re: [orca-list] Another Suggestion for OpenOffice/Orca Improvement

On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 10:16:11PM -0700, Peter Korn wrote:
Separately, I just took a "Hands on Lab" class at the recent JavaOne 
conference, where I learned about writing extensions - 
specifically Java using NetBeans.  One option for folks wanting more 
vi/emacs-style (or WordPerfect style, for that matter) keyboard gestures 
would be to write an OOo Writer extension to encapsulate just that 
functionality.  This should be a far easier task that trying to modify 
the actual OOo codebase itself.  

It is also worth noting that this has already been done in Firefox, for
gives Vi-style key bindings. Unfortunately these will conflict with some of
the keys that Orca uses for Navigation, at least by default, and Orca will get
those key events first.

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