Re: [orca-list] The very latest Orca crashes after start up

Am Sonntag, den 11.05.2008, 11:24 -0400 schrieb Willie Walker:
"Whenever you see something like the "<<<<<<< .mine" line:

   File "/home/hermann/opt/lib/python2.5/site-packages/orca/", 
line 4573
      <<<<<<< .mine
  SyntaxError: invalid syntax

It means you had a conflict when updating from trunk.  This usually 
means that you might have applied a patch from a bug report, but that 
what ultimately got checked in was a different patch (e.g., the patch 
was updated later).

To resolve this particular problem, you can delete, svn 
update, and then rebuild/reinstall.  Another thing you can do is look at 
the output of "svn stat", looking for lines that begin with "C".  This 
means there was a conflict when updating the file, and the file is bound 
to have the persnickety "<<<<<<< .mine" lines in it.  In those cases, 
just delete the offending files and do an "svn update"."

Thank you very much, that did it. (The second solution(.
Just for curiosity: What do the other characters mean? (? and M).

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