[orca-list] Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1?

Hi folks,

Our site uses RHEL5.1 so in order to maintain compatibility I'm staying with
that distro. I'm not sure whether it's modern enough to support Orca. Has
anybody tried it?

I'll also be braille only. In the FAQ I see where it gives a python command:

python -c "import brlapi"

It says if this command produces errors, follow the instructions above and
"pay attention this time" or something like that. Unfortunately there are no
instructions above so I can neither follow nor ignore them. <grin>

This command works on Cygwin which has a newer version of Python (RHEL5.1
has 2.4.3 and the brltty config summary says the python bindings are
installed) so presumably I could (attempt to) install a newer version of
Python. But I'm wondering if it's worth it? There are at least a few FC6
packages on RHEL5.1, but if I'm looking at replacing 9/7ths of the OS I'm
better off waiting for the next release.

I don't mind doing things like "yum install gnome*" which I've already done,
and I don't mind getting a tarball or three; but if I'll need 64 tarballs
and a new kernel and still end up with an obsolete system I ain't
interested. :-)

Thanks for any insight,

Lee Maschmeyer
Computing Center Services
Computing and Information Technology
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan, USA

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