Re: [orca-list] miscellaneous Orca comments

Lawrence Baggett writes:
Dear Janina,
I hope you have solved a problem I am experiencing.

I am running gnome and orca on one console and speakup on another.  The 
problem I can't seem to solve is that when I am in my gnome session and use 
the keypad keys, speakup talks (as well as orca).  Unfortunately, the 
"silence speakup" key is the printscreen key, so I can't seem to turn off 

No, this is not correct. The "Silence Speakup" key is numpad-insert plus
numpad-enter. Press this combination while in a console and Speakup
responds: "You turned me off." Repeat the command and Speakup says:
"Hey, that's better."

For now you need to dismiss Speakup after launching Orca with the
PrintScreen key which unloads Speakup from the gui console only. A side
effect of doing this is that you start a screenshot capture, because
PrintScreen is the gui key for taking a screenshot. Fortunately, it's
easy to dismiss the screenshot screen by pressing Esc.

IMPORTANT PS: This problem will finally be fixed in a forthcoming
Speakup patch. Stay tuned for news about that. If you run
SpeakupModified Fedora kernels, our next kernel release should contain
this enhancement.


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