[orca-list] debian speakup gnome accessibility

It turns out this is doable. By doable I mean when desktop environment is selected with tasksel aptitude doesn't fail but only if you do it with debian unstable a.k.a. debian sid. Lenny fails with 10 packages that throw errors. A question I have though and this comes as a result of having also gotten ubuntu working is why is debian gnome silent after a successful login? ubuntu plays some sound when this happens and if I could get that turned on in debian gnome that would be helpful. Even more helpful would be a different sound from what Ubuntu uses since that way it would be possible to tell the systems apart. I use drive sleds and each has their own version of Linux on it. The drive sleds are labeled with braille but the sleds have to be removed from the computer in order to read the braille. Does Debian Gnome not come with a sound for successful login, or don't I have everything properly set up yet?

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