[orca-list] Tutor help messages with orca, possible doing with 2.24 version?

Dear List!

Yesterday I have a beginner blind user friendly idea: possible doing tutor help messages with 2.24 version of Orca? If the Orca verbosity level setted up briefly, Orca spoken and writing braille some tutor messages for controls, menu elements how can use the blind user, for example with Jaws For Windows screen reader. If the user tabbed the edit box control, Orca spoken and writing the braille display: type in text.
Some another examples:
Check box control: to check, press space bar.
Radio button control:To change the selection, press up and down arrow.
Button control: to activate press space bar.
Combo box control: to change the selection use the arrow keys.
Lists: to move to items press arrow keys.
Main menu (user pressing the f10 key): to navigate press left or right arrow. User activate main menu item, for example the file menu and see menu items: to navigate press up or down arrow.

Or possible another elegant doing this feature, if the verbosity setted up beginner but the user not want the tutor messages hear and read the braille display: In speech page of Orca Preferences Guy, must doing one radio button with two values:
The label this radio button possible for example: tutor messages
The values:
Announce menu and control help
Turn off menu and control help

Have any people require and need this feature?


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