Re: [orca-list] Orca --setup on Fedora 9


What version of Orca are you using? if it's the original 1.22.1, you can get a newer version from the Speakupmodified repository. Yell if you need help.

          Bill in Denver

On Sun, 22 Jun 2008, Lars Bjørndal wrote:

Hello, list!

I've installed gnome-speech-espeak. Speech-dispatcher does not run. I
cannot get Orca running. What happens, is the following:

- I use 'startx'

- after a while, I press alt-f2 and type orca - from a newly created user.

- Espeak announces "Welcome to orca setup. Press 1 for espeak with
 gnome-speech, press 2 for ... slect to choose.".

- However, at the same time, orca disappears. That's confirmed by a
 sighted person.

- Nothing happens if I press 1 <enter>.

What could be the problem here?

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