Re: [orca-list] gnome-speech seems to block orca

In considering this phenomena, consider the speed setting for the speach.
Jaws, and Thunderbird on XP exhibit the same speach loading up at slow speeds, and talking on too long, and also reading the message header just deleted, or above or below the one one wants. It may be a timing problem. But I see lots less of it on Ubuntu 8.04 and ORCA. Will

Michael Whapples wrote:
Regarding the cursoring through emails, as an example, if I cursor on to
a message and here who it is from (just the name not the email address,
so for you it would be "Willie Walker") and then at that point I know it
isn't the message I am looking for, so I press the up arrow again to go
to the message before (but as my actions aren't perfectly instant, it
has just started speaking the email address, may be "<William" before
the key is actually pressed) then the speech will continue to read the
email address, and then will speak the one I moved to, but the Braille
doesn't move until the one I move to has had the email address spoken. I
don't know whether you would call that cursoring fast, but it certainly
is a way that one may use the system.

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