Re: [orca-list] installing speech-dispatcher on fedora

Hello hanc,

I don't think speech dispatcher successfully installed. i took a look at
the the log created by ./configure and it said it was compiling with out
pulse audio support, alsa support, alsa-oss support, an.
It compiled with ibmtts support, but not espeak and festival. Festival
came installed by default, but I'm not sure if everything else was
installed along with it. I uninstalled it for now since it seems to be
broken. I tried doinging an yum install alsa-lib-devel to perhaps
install the develement libraries, but that did not work either.
Well, it could probably work, but I get an error
no key
public key not installed

I know there is a way to import keys, but I'm not sure how to od that
with yum since it does nto have an address.

I do know hte command is "rpm --import", but I'm not sure what oto put
to impor the key.
So i'll need ot reinstall speech-dispatcher. I have not though since the
log created from ./configure does nto report anything good. It does not
make sence to me since I'm able to use orca.



On Thu, 2008-07-31 at 11:57 +0200, Hynek Hanke wrote:
Alonzo wrote:
I've installed speech-dispatcher0.6.7 on fc9. However, when i try to
issue the command
spd-say hello
I get the following
spd-say error while loading shared libraries can not
open shared object file no such file or directory
Hello Alonzo,

your system can't find the libspeechd shared library which
is essential for clients like spd-say, brltty or speechd-up.
How did you install Speech Dispatcher and to which place?
Is somewhere in your /usr/local/lib/ or
/usr/lib? Did you run 'ldconfig'?

With regards,
Hynek Hanke

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