Re: [orca-list] speech-dispatcehr

mattias wrote:
how to use dectalk and cepstral with the new speech-dispatcher?
For DecTalk, uncomment the following line in your speechd.conf
by removing the leading hash

AddModule "dtk-generic"  "sd_generic"   "dtk-generic.conf"

Your Dectalk synthesizer inside Speech Dispatcher is
now called 'dtk-generic'.

If you want to use Cepstral Swift, you can download this file

Place it in the same directory as configuration for other
output modules (look for espeak.conf, festival.conf etc.)
and add the following line in speechd.conf next to the
other AddModule lines

AddModule "swift-generic"  "sd_generic"   "swift-generic.conf"

Your Cepstral Swift module in Speech Dispatcher is now
called swift-generic.

You can test both with the following commands

spd-say -o dtk-generic "Hello Dectalk"
spd-say -o swift-generic "Hello Cepstral Swift"

You might need to modify the GenericExecuteString
a bit to fit the name of your cepstral/dectalk binary and the
audio system you use. You might also need to change
the list of voices provided with the AddVoice options.
Both configuration files are well commented, so you
can get more information there.

With regards,
Hynek Hanke

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