Last night I tried to install speech dispatcher.
The best I could come up with was to get it in a state of being neither here nor
there. I.e. it was installed, but it really wasn't. Basically, the only thing I
accomplished was making it so I couldn't access the orca preferences dialog. So
I removed it. Again, it wasn't removed, but it was removed. Basically, the only
thing I accomplished was making it so I still couldn't use the orca preferences
dialog. I find a manual that said I had to set a few things, like SPEECHD_PORT
but I'm not sure what file that's set in to begin with and it doesn't say. When
I install speech dispatcher I'm told to run a script called spd-conf and answer
some questions. I hear speech and sound but then am told even though the port
was set to 6561 in speechd.conf, it was set to 6560 in some other place and that
I have to change it. I've looked at a debug.out and see where it says
speech-dispatcher interface isn't installed, but then it said that when it was
installed and when it was removed. I'm not sure what to do from here other than
to maybe format and install ubuntu from scratch. I can say one thing. The
conclusion I've come to is that it's easier to endure espeak while listening to
other sources of audio, and then switch back to ibmtts when I'm done. That
switch is infinitely easier to carry out.