Re: [orca-list] Firefox 3.0 Questions

Hi Steve.

My question is, I some times will hear entire words or strings of text
spoken when arrowing over the line a letter at a time; that is,
pressing lest or right arrow with no modifiers.  I usually will hear
single characters spoken but some of these times, I hear an entire
link spoken as a single unit.  What causes this? 

Without looking at a specific case, here's my guess:  the act of
arrowing into a link has caused an event which has caused us to grab
focus on it.  If we grab focus on a link, the link claims focus, and
when that happens, odds are that we're going to speak it. <smile>  I'll
take a closer look at that sort of thing tomorrow.  But hypothetically,
let's pretend that I'm correct in my guess.  Question back at you:  What
should we be saying?  If you right arrow and have crossed into a link,
should you be told that it's a link?  Should you be told the full text
of that link or just the character you moved to?

The other question and possibly easier to ask, how can one quickly get
past a bunch of navigation links if there's no heading elements on the

We don't currently have a "jump past all the links" (or similarly
formatting text) command.  We're still waiting on having text attributes
exposed to us by FF -- something I'm told should be starting before too
long.  Jumping past links wouldn't require that, though.  If you and the
rest of the users think we should implement such a feature, let us know.
Even better, file an RFE in bugzilla. <smile> 

That said, we do have a command to jump to the next/previous "large
object."  One of its purposes is to address the very issue you mention.
Try O/Shift+O and see if that gets the job done.

Final question, Is there any way for Orca to notify the user when
he/she enters a table? 

Not at the moment.  But that sounds like another excellent candidate for
an RFE to enter into Bugzilla. <smile>

I have found tables on a page rather by
accident where with I can then use the two dimensional navigation.

If you know you're looking for a table, you could give T/Shift+T a try.
But if you're merely exploring with the arrows, that admittedly doesn't
do you much good.

I think that's enough questions for now.:) I've been to several sites today
and access has been wonderful!

Thanks Steve!!  We're not quite "there" yet, but we're definitely on the
way I think.

Hope the above info helps.  Take care.

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