Re: [orca-list] FireFox Broken!!!

Hi Steve.

it seems to be better.  However, I'm not completely out of the woods
yet.  Whenever I go to and login with my
account/password, it goes silent again and I get some spoken messages
later on about "Internal frame." Not sure what internal frame means
but it apparently means trouble for me.:)

I'm not completely sure what it means either -- other than I think FF
has once again changed.  "Internal frame" started showing up in our
automated regression test output a day or two ago.  It's on my list of
things to look into, along with the new/different extra whitespace which
starting showing up a little over a week ago (if memory serves me)
around certain form controls.  <smile> Stay tuned!

Just as a side note, I am *so* looking forward to the official release
of FF3.  I'm not sure what I'll do for adventure, though.  Maybe bungi
jumping from jet planes during intercontinental flights that pass over
the Bermuda Triangle during the Discovery Channel's Shark Week on a
Friday the 13th? <huge grin>

But all snark aside, I've been doing the Assistive Technology thang
(primarily as an instructor) for around 13 years now.  And it's
incredibly cool to have access to the FF3 nightlies so that the minute
it is released, Orca should be good to go.  None of this "waiting for my
screen reader to catch up" routine.  Open source rocks!!

Okay, getting back to work now... <smile>  Thanks for the report.

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