Re: [orca-list] FireFox Broken!!!

Hi Steve.

I'm using the current Orca and Firefox and not seeing that.  Therefore,
if you wouldn't mind sending me a full debug.out taken while
demonstrating all the things that aren't speaking (reading pages, where
am i, etc.) that would be great.  Here's how:

Pleas edit your ~/.orca/ file and uncomment the
following three lines by removing the initial "#":

#orca.debug.debugLevel = orca.debug.LEVEL_ALL
#orca.debug.eventDebugLevel = orca.debug.LEVEL_OFF
#orca.debug.debugFile = open(time.strftime('debug-%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%
S.out'), 'w', 0)

(It looks like the third line wrapped into a fourth in this message, but
there are really only three lines.)

Having done so, the next time you launch Orca, a bunch of debugging
output will get dumped into a file whose name begins with "debug" ends
with ".out" and has a time stamp in between. This file can be found in
whatever directory you started Orca from. By default this will be your
home directory. So having made the above edits, quit Orca, relaunch it,
reproduce the problem. Then quit Orca, relaunch it, recomment the above
three lines. Quit and relaunch Orca one more time and you should be back
to normal. I'm interested in the first debug.out that results. It might
be a really large file, so please gzip or bzip2 it.  Probably makes
sense to send it "off list" directly to me for the same reason.

Thanks much!!

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