Re: [orca-list] Problems with today's Firefox 3

Hi David.

I'm not sure about the errors.  But with respect to this:

book a flight.  I typed in two airport codes and moved down to select a
date from the combo boxes, but I couldn't activate the combo boxes to
make changes.

We've worked very hard to avoid having a special mode for interacting
with forms.  <smile> By the same token, it's a drag to accidentally find
yourself changing the selection in a combo box or a list when all you
wanted to do was explore the page.  Therefore, if you've come across a
combo box or a list via the arrow keys, you've moved to it but you're
not in it.  You're essentially immediately before it.  Therefore you can
use Tab to give it focus because it's the next focusable object.  If the
combo box or list is contained in a form, you can also use Orca+Tab
because it's the next form field. Please give these a try and let us

Thanks and take care.

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