[orca-list] Orca pronounces things differently in Firefox - no pronounciation rules added

OK, here's a weird one.
I just installed the latest orca and firefox:
orca 2.21.90pre + minefield 3.0b3pre
I'm using Ubuntu 7.10.
* Goto the following url:
* enter the following in the search box and press enter:
* find the examples.
The first example should contain a line similar to:
$stack = array("orange", "bannanna");
Now, listen to that line using firefox, then paste it into gedit and listen again.
For me, in firefox, it comes out sounding like the equals has been replaced with the string "eq", and the entire left hand side including the equals is spelled:
"$ s t a c k e q u a l s" array("orange", "bannanna");
There are no firefox specific orca prefs set, but I reinitialized them to be sure and the problem persists.
Any idea what to check or what the problem could be?
-- Rich

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