Re: [orca-list] libXft Dependency

I know I keep mentioning gnome slacky, but I haven't had these sorts of
issues with it. As someone has pointed out, yes you can do it without
actually using a CD, you just need the files and to maintain the
directory structure of the CD (even using an archive tool to extract the
files is fine).

Going back to some basics, had you made significant changes to your
slackware system? About all of these gnome distributions can be affected
by modified systems and the authors normally warn you to install on a
clean slackware install. In the case of slacky I know it comes with a
few packages it needs to replace from the original slackware ones, but
it also has the original slackware ones should you uninstall slacky and
wish to restore it back to a standard slackware system, so modification
of one of these packages may confuse something.

Michael Whapples
On Sat, 2008-01-05 at 18:32 -0700, Steve Holmes wrote:
Hash: RIPEMD160

In looking more closely with my dropline-installation problem, I find
that it is trying to run pango-querymodules which came out of the
pango-1.18.3 package.  Unfortunately, both pango-querymodules and
pango-view require libXft and fail to find that on my box.  Slackware
12's MANAFEST file makes no mention of that library.  Does anyone know
where that might come from?  I saw that file mentioned in an earlier
MANAFEST but I thought dropline was for Slack 12 and not something
ealier.  Didn't someone here on the list recently install
dropline-gnome?  In the mean time, I'm going to completely uninstall
the whole dropline package and start over; maybe I fucked up something
along the way.
- -- 
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