Re: [orca-list] libXft Dependency

On Sat, 5 Jan 2008, Steve Holmes wrote:

Does anyone know where that might come from? I saw that file mentioned in an earlier MANAFEST but I thought dropline was for Slack 12 and not something ealier.

The package is called libXft-2.1.12-i486.tgz. The only description given states that it is part of X11. So, I suspect you haven't done a full install of the X packages.

I did an install of Dropline on New Year's Day, and had no trouble getting it installed. However, I did have problems with Orca. I ended up adding the following line to the top of /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/orca/ to get Orca working.
# encoding=utf-8

Also, I had previously compiled Festival from source.

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