[orca-list] latest speech-dispatcher in Ubuntu Hardy now only runs as root

Hi all,
I just received today's updates to Ubuntu Hardy, which contained an
update to speech-dispatcher. After the last upgrade, speech-dispatcher
would run as a user but could only be accessed by root. With this latest
update, speech-dispatcher only runs as root and logs a fatal permission
denied error while attempting to open the socket connection when run as
a normal user. I have even tried changing the port number in my local
configuration to a 5-digit number by adding a 0 at the end so it tries
to open 60650 instead of 6065, but it still gives me the same permission
denied error. I have had to fall back to gnome-speech with orca for now
because of this mysterious behaviour. Can someone tell me what group I
need to be a member of or what file I need to change permissions on in
order to use speech-dispatcher as a normal user now? Note that the first
speech-dispatcher 0.6.6 package in Ubuntu worked nearly flawlessly for
me, and there seems to be no speech-dispatcher group or anything
similar. Also, I am already a member of audio, pulse, pulse-access and
pulse-rt for sound, so that shouldn't be a problem. I am currently
having problems with speech-dispatcher 0.6.6-0ubuntu2 and

Thanks for any help,
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