[orca-list] getting vary frustrated with this...

Hi all:

I just spent the afternoon uploading my mp3 collection into my
/home/michael/music folder and tried to get Rhythm Box working to no
avail. I've opened it up, selected Edit from the drop down menu and
selected plug ins and again nothing. my mp3s are just that: mp3s,
playable in anything except rhythmbox it seems. Plus, when I try to
run either automatix or synaptech package manager, I'm prompted for my
password, even though I'm already logged in as the Administrator. I
input the password and Orca looses focus and I can't get any feed back
from any of the dialogue boxes or selection items. I didn't think
using an X-windows environment required that I had to manually un tar
everything in a shell interface. Does anyone have a little time to
assist me with some step by steps over some emails? It would be
grately appreciated.

I am just beginning my Ubuntu experience.

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