Re: [orca-list] vibuntu

Have a nice day,
Scott Berry
E-mail:  N7zib northlc com    

Haveyou tried Festival by chance?  If not try that also.'

On Tue, 2008-12-30 at 09:32 -0500, Josh wrote:

ok here's what I'm gunna do. I'm downloading vibuntu1.2 in a zip file. I'm 
gunna re-burn it and try it to see if it works. I should just be able to put 
in the cd, wait awhile, and eventually i should have speech, right? and if 
not, I will use grml and oralux until vibuntu gets better and can run on my 
desktop. one question, will voxin/IBM tts work with any screen reader at all 
in grml?
I prefer voxin over flite.


email: jkenn337 gmail com
msn: kenn6498ku hotmail com
skype: jkenn337 

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