Re: [orca-list] lxde

On 27/12/08 15:03, Jonathan wrote:
also if there is anyone who develops for orca
maybe they can check out trying to get lxde working better with orca.
because the response time with orca in lxde is so much faster it is
great. i can not develop but i am willing to do any testing or anything
else that is needed to forward this project.

Your email doesn't identify any problems, but seems to imply it mostly works already.

Filing bugs and feature requests with LXDE, Orca, or problematic LXDE applications would seem to be a good approach to identifying remaining problems and getting them fixed. is a general guide to bug reporting. has guidelines for reporting bugs in Gnome software. has information about ticket tracking for Orca specifically. Add Orca bugs and Orca feature requests to the Orca section of the Gnome bugzilla.

It's not clear to me where LXDE bugs should be reported.

I suspect Orca developers are likely to prioritize work on Gnome, however.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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