Re: [orca-list] Vibuntu Development Blog


Firstly, again well done. 

I'd personally like to see some posts on your development blog related to how you got so many administrative 
apps working with Orca as I see this as the most significant reason to use your version. 

I also have to echo the points raised by a few here, You really do need to be very careful in your wording.  
Your version of Ubuntu is really not the most accessible distribution out there.  There is a major difference 
to accessible and usable.  To say something is inaccessible means it cannot be made to work no matter what 
configuration is used.  Usable on the other hand means it is available to the user with a minimum of 
knowledge and tweeking.  This is not of course to belittle the work you hav done.  I just really hate to see 
the work of so many diminished in stature due to some bad wording in a press release. Let's be honest.  If it 
wasn't for the work of people in the Speakup, BRLTTY, EmacsSpeak, SBL, Yasr, and other projects, none of us 
would have had the opportunities in Linux we have today.  

Keep up the good work. 


-----Original Message-----
From: gnome-accessibility-list-bounces gnome org [mailto:gnome-accessibility-list-bounces gnome org] On 
Behalf Of Anthony Sales
Sent: 14 December 2008 20:16
To: ubuntu-accessibility lists ubuntu com; gnome-accessibility-list gnome org; orca-list gnome org
Cc: Matthew Horspool (Learner); Mobeen Iqbal (Learner); Arthur Turner (Learner)
Subject: Vibuntu Development Blog

I have set up a Vibuntu Development Blog at
for anyone who is interested! I will use this to document the development of
Vibuntu and any relevant issues so that anyone who wants to create their own
accessible remix of Ubuntu, or just modify their existing installation can do
so easily. There is an RSS feed available if anyone wants to be automatically
notified of new posts. I will still post any significant announcements such
as the release of new versions and/or notable improvements on the mailing
lists and forums, as well as continuing to asking for help, advice and
suggestions and providing them when I can. I am planning to have a well
deserved rest over the xmas break so it is unlikely there will be any major
developments until the new year!

Thanks again for everyone's support, advice, suggestions and criticisms!

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