[orca-list] Orcaquery new Ubuntu user

Hi all.
Just wondering if anyone can assist?
I've managed to run the live cd for Ubuntu 7.10 and it's running fine. I'm wondering is the support for Orca better in the latest Ubuntu 8.04 release and should I wait for this release before doing anything major with Ubuntu and Orca?
My main problem with Orca is are most of you using the gui in orca or do you all mainly use a terminal window to carry out most functions in Ubuntu?
The main problem also is with gnome itself, is there a taskbar like in windows where you can access icons such as the time date and if there are any updates for Ubuntu?
What's the easiest way of making sure your system is up to date with all packages and what's the first thing one should do once Ubuntu is installed?
Finally can anyone tell me if there are any audio demos of Ubuntu and Orca and or any podcasts anyone has produced using Ubuntu and orca?
I've listened to the presentations over at
and enjoyed them.
What applications are most of you using with Ubuntu and Orca?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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